Blog Tour – Recursion

Title: Recursion

Author: David J Harrison


Everything that is going to happen already has. 

During a disruption in the timeline of a sleepy Lake District village, the erratic and strung-out artist Haruki Kensagi cannot help but feel that he’s been here before, either in his past or in his future. 

Haruki, struggling with both his painting and his mental health, disappears. 

His long-suffering wife Jane Kensagi, herself a brilliant musician, interrupts her career to look for him unaware that a malignant and ageless entity awaits them both under the dark fells of the Lake District. 

The estranged couple becomes caught up in a dangerously recursive series of events surrounding a dormant cosmic force. 

They encounter a cabal of enigmatic characters who may hinder or help in equal measure. And over all this madness, the monstrous but charismatic Captain presides; part faith healer, part cult-leader, all saviour. 

Haruki and Jane are taken to the limits of sanity and beyond in their attempt to escape from the evil that has been unleashed.

Teaser Extract

He heard the sound of bells, and as if in response to that the sky brightened, and the sun came out from behind a slate grey cloud.  It sparkled off the rain-slick road. 

The bells rose to a crescendo as a half dozen men stomped towards him down the centre of the road. They were dressed in white, with black socks and thick black leather clogs that were laced high above their ankles. The bells were attached to their footwear and were worn at their elbows and knees. Every movement of these men sent shards of sound flying in every direction. The Morris men pulled at something.  They dragged behind them a small wooden cart that was piled high with what looked to be sheaves of straw, or wheat. The pile was some twelve feet in height, and it was stacked neatly but not tied.  It looked ready to spill over and collapse at any pitch or roll of the cart as it trundled along the road.

A man broke free from the crowd and numbly scampered up the pile of wheat. To great cheers he made it to the top and sat astride. Reaching into his open blue shirt, he threw sweets into the crowd. Children rushed forward out from under the feet of the adults and snatched them up. Amongst them, a fat old man dressed flamboyantly in red velvet fought for his fair share. When he had enough, he sat down on the wet road and immediately started to eat.

The cart trundled past the velvet stranger and the crowd fell into line behind it. Now drums began to beat, and the following crowd shifted their feet in time. Haruki shuffled to the side and let the procession pass. When the cart was level with him, the man on the top leaned over towards him. He was around Haruki’s age, with bright eyes and light blonde hair tied back into a ponytail. He grasped a handful of sweets but instead of tossing them at Haruki, he leant down and said something. Although the bells and the drumbeats were loud, and the man spoke relatively quietly, Haruki could hear him perfectly.  

‘Opposite the post office,’ he said. ‘Take the path up the hill. Ask for Maggie at the farmhouse.’

Haruki had no chance to reply because the cart trundled off, bringing with it a tide of procession-goers who filed past him in tune to the drum beat.  Morris men danced in the carts wake. Some wore horses heads and pranced up and down mimicking the beast. Others wore blackened faces and hit out at each other with sticks.

‘It’s the coal,’ a man said to him on his way past.  ‘Dark faces come out of a mine.’  Haruki supposed the man had seen the ethnicity in Haruki’s features must have felt that he was owed an explanation.

Many of the other villagers nodded and smiled at him but none engaged him further in conversation.  They were too taken with the joy of following the cart around.  When it had thumped and jangled itself away, he picked up his case and walked on.  Almost immediately he saw the footpath opposite the post office. It led up the hill and was signposted, ‘Hilltops’. The man on the draw cart must have known he was due to stay there. Perhaps they didn’t get too many visitors in this village.

Author Info:

David J Harrison only realised that Lord of the Rings had been read out to him as a sleeping child when as a teenager he sought an explanation for its familiarity. On a more conscious level, he was brought up on a diet of classic science fiction and fantasy, most notably the stories of Robert E Howard, Lin Carter and L. Sprague de Camp. Little wonder that he chose psychology as his degree subject. He works in biotechnology, specialising in medical devices and is excited to have contributed towards several important new medicines. He lives in Cambridge with his wife and children who he stops reading to when they fall asleep.

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