Disney Princess Hair Book Tag

We all know I love a bit of Disney so I simply had to try this book tag and what better month to complete it than my birthday month!

The Rules

  1. Link back to Kyera’s original post on Kyera’s Library and Mandy’s post on Book Princess Reviews so they can see all your answers! Be sure to do this via pingback, we don’t get notified if you just tag our URLs.
  2. Thank the person(s) who tagged you… show the community some love!
  3. Obviously, come up with your own wonderful answers!
  4. Don’t forget to tag others to keep the tag going!

Best Hair Accessory

I just love Rapunzel’s hair in this clip!

Favourite book sidekick

Mrs Elm was a fantastic sidekick for Nora as she negotiated her different lives. Whilst she never appeared in them she was always at the library to pick up the pieces and offer advice for what Nora should do next.

Biggest Hair Change

Plot twist that totally caught you off guard

This was a brilliantly disturbing read! Whilst I had suspected the ending the final sentence left me speechless.

Prettiest Up-Do / Bun

A book or author with the most elegant prose

There are so many amazing writers out there but something about Cecelia Ahern’s story telling ability gets me every time. Her stories are timeless and beautiful.

Most Bounce/Body

Book that bounces between multiple time periods

I love historical fiction and this was one of my most memorable reads of last year.

Most Intricate Braid

I love the different hairstyles in both films but these braids are gorgeous!!

Favourite plot with multiple story-lines that are woven together

This was a brilliant read that combined the stories of three children during WW2.

Short & Sweet

A book that’s short and sweet

At less than 300 pages this book is a must read, make sure you have tissues!

Nicest Half-Up / Half-Down

A book / character that you had a lot of ups and downs with

I had moments when I was enjoying this book and other times when it dragged a little for me. The descriptions were beautiful it just needed to move along a bit quicker.

Medium & Manageable

The last book you felt right in the middle about

I listened to this on audio and whilst I enjoyed parts of it I wasn’t completely sold by the end.

Best Bangs

I never realised how many of the princesses don’t have bangs!

Eye-catching cover

Not only is this cover beautiful but the story is incredible. One of my favourite reads of the year so far.

Long & Loose

There is only one princess I could possibly choose for this one.

Longest book you read this year

At 603 pages this is my longest. The next in the series is 800 pages!!!

Best Pony

A book that swings from POV to POV

There were a lot and I mean a lots of POV in this story!

Stunningly Straight

Pocahontas has amazing hair, it looks so silky smooth.

A book that made you want to dive straight into the sequel

I wasn’t sure what I would make of this one but as soon as I finished I wanted to know what would happen in the next instalment! To make matters worse I didn’t have a copy to hand so I had to wait a while.

Enviable Curls

I love Merida’s hair and wish mine was as curly as that!

A book with twists and turns

When I got to the end of this book it was one twist after another. I almost had a foggy head by then end and questioned what had just happened!

Hair Closest to Your Own

I have wavy/curly hair that has a mind of its own. Whilst I would love to say it’s very much like Merida’s or even Moana’s in reality I look more like Anna when she’s just woken up!

A book that you strongly connected to

I first read this book as a teen and have read it several times as an adult. It is one of my all time favourites.

That was great fun and I managed to use a different princess for nearly all of them. Are you a fan of Disney? If so then consider yourself tagged!!

10 thoughts on “Disney Princess Hair Book Tag

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  1. The feeling you have about The Handmaid’s Tale–that while you enjoyed parts of it you weren’t completely sold by the end–is the feeling everyone should have after reading a satire, which is what it is. The idea is that you should feel moved to go out into the world and make it a place where such awful things are less likely to happen to women, if the satire works as it should.

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